
We listen & reflect together to act on what matters.

Our team of professionals believe in systems change by listening and re-interpreting what shapes your choices. New possibilities mean you can really make things different, even in complex issues like culture change.

Change. In a Sprint.

From the Blog

Learn how to combine data and participation to unlock culture change.

Intention and Concern – Why Re-Interpret Stories and Not Change Mindsets

Let’s make a new distinction together. We’ll look at ourselves as human beings acting in the world and ask what is behind our individual and collective actions...

Another Set of Data for Complex Systems: Why Knowing Reality is Not Enough

The organisational development process has become increasingly important in modern times. The current world has uneasy volatility and uncertainty, complexness, and ambiguity...

The Magic of Language: How We Use Words to Make Things Happen

There is something special about language. It has the ability to create things out of nothing. By using words, we can communicate with each other and make things happen....

Work with us

We are always looking for possibilities to expand our team.
If you are a seasoned professional looking for work in complex environments and interested in story data, talk to us.

This will likely work for both of us if some of this is true...

You host complex groups and can hold ambiguity

You have training and experience hosting complex conversations in groups and organisations. You are able to make hypotheses about what is happening in the group and relate them to the available data. You feel it’s OK to be provocative and can do it in a soft, respectful manner.
You have a neck to find patterns in qualitative data

You might have worked with narrative inquiry or action research, conducted story surveys to listen to people, and learned how to engage people to explore data results. You enjoy listening to stories and exercising, connecting them in multiple (and sometimes conflicting) ways.

Data + People.
Change your culture the right way.

Just like you, we don't like guesswork. We will use a process based on actual data and intervene for a decisive cultural change.

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